We love our Music Director!

Debbie Thistle

"Music shouldn't be just a tune, it should be a touch"        (Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words) 

We are THRILLED to have Debbie Thistle back in our Music Director position!  Debbie was our Music Director for 25 years, but decided to retire in 2020  - just in time for the pandemic.  But she never left our risers, she stayed and added her beautiful voice to our sound while we worked through the pandemic disruption and then rebuilt our chorus.  When we found ourselves without a director again, Debbie was ready and willing to jump back in.  We are very excited to have her back and look forward to taking our chorus to new levels!

Debbie has been a Sweet Adeline member since 1979.  She was WRS Music Director from 1995 - 2020 and came back as our Music Director in 2024.  She is a Harmony 500 Director through Sweet Adelines and is a retired kindergarten teacher.  

White River Sound is ecstatic to have Debbie in our wonderful chorus family!

Copyright © 2024 White River Sound Chorus